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“What do you do if the law obliges you to purchase sixteen tachographs á €3,500? Exactly: you look around for an alternative. A company that supplies compressors throughout the Netherlands has collaborated with us to do just that.
We first studied the legislation. The company had to be able to prove that drivers were driving no more than twelve hours a week. For this purpose we designed a trip registration that records where, when and for how long someone has driven. As soon as a driver approaches the twelve hour limit, an alert is generated.
Using the information generated by our software, the company’s administration is perfectly up to date. If there is a check, then from the web application very easily run a report. All in all, an appropriate and economical solution: instead of sixteen tachographs at €3,500, the company now has sixteen trip registration boxes at a low monthly cost.
Wilt u weten wat er buiten de muren van uw organisatie gebeurt? Techni Trace maakt het voor u inzichtelijk. Van het traceren van voertuigen, producten of personen tot het achterhalen van een locatie, de gereden snelheid of afgelegde kilometers; onze systemen leggen alles vast.